11 May 2011

Miss Mustard Seed

I have found the most amazing blog!  The author is a mom who refinishes old, forgotten, or broken furniture and makes them beautiful!!  I have two pieces of furniture I would like to refinish like she has done...
hmm... I feel a few new projects coming on!

Here is my piece

Here is the piece she refinished!!

Here is the dresser in our bedroom:

 And a chest of drawers that is similar...
It's almost identical to my very favorite one of her pieces...
She went from this:

To This:

She Isnpires Me!!  What do you think?  Should I do it?


  1. Go for it! I love Miss Mustard Seed. Great encouragement to experiment with a little paint and sand paper or steel wool and create a beautiful new old piece! Many sites show you step-by-step to help. Can't wait to see more.

    And, of course, I'd love for you to reprint the Tale of Raven Road. It would be just great on the Queens' blog! :-) ~Marita

  2. I think you should do it! You have always been so talented. Keep us updated on the project. I have a couple I would like to do but just never found the time to do it. I have a 1943 RCA radio player that our flat screen sits on in our living room and then JE has a chest that has been handed down from generations. I would love to refinish some things too! Love ya! -Amanda Huskey

  3. So cute. You should definitely do it! I have a piece of furniture I am going to refinish in the next few weeks. We should plan a furniture refinishing party! See you tonight :)
