27 April 2010

4 Days until Washington!

This is my last week in Mississippi and the South for a while, and it is going to be a busy week.  Joseph gets to celebrate his 24 birthday three times this week!  Friday night, we are going to eat at our favorite Southern restaurant, but we haven't decided which one: Cock of the Walk, Julep, and Walker's are all three in the mix!  I fly out at 6:00 AM on Saturday morning, which means I will have to be at the airport at 4:30! Guess who gets to take me!  That same day will be the State Track Meet! (Go ARROWS!) Then, Kat is moving into our apartment all on that day!  Joseph will have his birthday on Monday and then Joel Varner's wedding, teacher appreciation and his 2nd triathlon all next weekend, and I am going to miss all of it! :(

We did finally secure a place to stay... third time's a charm!
It's actually in Cheney, WA which is 15 minutes from Medical Lake.  We are going to be living in The Grove, which are apartments like 21 apartments in Starkville, I believe.  They are just for students and come fully furnished!  Here is a picture of the inside!

23 April 2010

Spring Fever

      So it is now April, and I haven't posted since January!  Alot has been keeping us busy!

We found out we will be spending the summer in Spokane, WA!! So excited!!  We found a one bedroom cottage to rent May through July.  We subleased our apartment for the summer.  I will be flying out May 15 and Joseph will get to Washington June 5.  It will be like a 2 month second honeymoon! There will be plenty of blogposts on this!

Track season is in full force and Clinton is doing awesome!  They just had their district meet and won (Boys and Girls!)! Next weekend is the regional meet in Madison and then on to North Half in Tupelo and then State!

I cut off 8 inches of my hair for Pantene Pro-V beautiful lengths program!


And After!!

We FULLY enjoyed the biggest snow day I think I have ever seen!
It snowed 5 inches!
Joseph making Earl's bottom half
Our little, cozy apartment!
Meet Earl

My mom, sister, and I took a girls only trip to see John Mayer in concert!

    On the Trolley
    Heather's first experience on Beale Street!
    Hard Rock on Beale
    In the nosebleed section with our binoculars
    John Mayer is AWESOME!

I have learned to put siding on a house!

We celebrated our 5 month anniversary last  night by going to see Date Night!
    We celebrated Chuck's 50th Birthday!!
    They had just returned from HAWAII!  Chuck's goal was to go to all fifty states by the age of 50.  Hawaii was the last one!
    Here is just a picture of my hot hubby!
    I put my creative skills to the test.  I made this all by myself!!
    We got our first China Cabinet!
    We joined a our first couples small group at Pinelake and have made some of the best friends!
More pictures to come...

We visited the zoo
We have painted Picasso-style self portraits of each other.. which are now hanging above our bed!
and...I am still writing thank-you notes!